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Does Email Marketing Still Work?


Does Email Marketing Still Work?

Is email marketing still relevant? With all of these advertising avenues to choose from, it does make one wonder if the humble email still even works. The answer: Hell yeah!

Email marketing is one of the simplest and most cost-effective methods for marketing your business online.

Why email?

Email marketing allows you to hone in on your desired audience to a degree that is not possible with other types of media.

Get Personal

With email marketing, you can personalize your messages by segmenting your email list based on lead status, demographics, location and other select data. This allows you to send targeted messages based on the needs and interests of your audience.

Tip: Get personal by really understanding your audienceโ€™s behaviour so you can craft email messages that speak in a tone and language that resonates with your target market. Donโ€™t blast the masses by sending a generic one-size-fits-all message, instead take the time to really think about what your mailing list audience wants to hear about from you, whether itโ€™s a new deal or products, new tips or tricks, or new content housed on your website, etc.

Create Brand Recall

Staying top of mind is important for brands in this age of advertising overload. Granted, people may not be ready to purchase your product or service when they first hear about your business, but by sending a follow-up email, you can remind your audience that you exist. By being around and offering helpful tips, tricks and insights that speak to your audience, you will be among one of the first companies they recall when they do need your service or product.

Tip: Donโ€™t get spammy! Ever. Tirelessly sending emails will result in the cancellation of your subscription list. Reduce the number of emails sent, and do not bombard your email list with unnecessary information. In addition to relevant content, your emails need to have some kind of call to action to motivate people to click where they want or complete something they need.

Itโ€™s Measurable

With email marketing, you can easily evaluate the success of your campaign by looking at metrics, including open rates, bounce rates and click-through rates. This data can disclose your customers' behaviours and interests, giving you insight into what kind of content your customers respond to best, and this can then guide your future marketing endeavours.

Tip: Mine key data from past campaign analytics and metrics to create successful marketing campaigns that you know perform well with your target audiences.

Work With A Pro to Get the Most Out of Email Marketing

Work with our team of expert digital marketers today to get a better return on your investment. Contact us today to learn more about our email marketing services.

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